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Magnolia Walk

News Articles

Welcome Newcomers
Posted on Apr 12th, 2018

The Magnolia Walk Homeowners’ Association welcomes the following families to their home and our subdivision:
  • Benjamine and Amanda Seals (Michaela, Asa, Elyssa and Jonah) at 1120 Havenbrook Court 
  • Matt and Melissa Knowles at 1161 Hiddenbrook Lane  
  • Bernie Kim and Margaret Chang at 1151 Hiddenbrook Lane
One of the challenges that can come along with moving is that you can feel like the “new kid on the block.”  This gets complicated with today’s preferred method for communications – social media or the internet.  If you are ready to reach out and connect with your new neighbors, it’s easier than you might think.  By finding good opportunities to meet your neighbors, knowing how to talk to them, and making good connections with your neighbors, you will be well on your way to getting acquainted and making friends.  It should not matter where you come from or what language you speak.  The fact of the matter is that Magnolia Walk homeowners come from within the USA and other countries which makes it challenging and intriguing.  Think of hosting one day an international party where we come together as a community, bring a native dish plate to share and learn the different cultures.  Please let us know of a preferred date and if you are willing to help coordinate such event.  This works both ways – the newcomer and old resident – nationals and internationals.  In layman’s terms, a neighbor is a person who lives next door.  Some people form friendships with their neighbors, and help them by sharing their tools and helping with gardening tasks, look after their property while on vacation, etc.  We are just trying to break the ice between us.  Please take the time and opportunity to meet your neighbor.  It is just next door. 
Please contact any Board member with your questions or comments.  Remember, we are here to protect our most important investment— OUR HOMES!  Again, congratulations and welcome!