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News Articles

Renters/Tenants Must be Registered with the HOA
Posted on Jan 8th, 2023

Part of the reason why when you bought your home you had to identify the people in your home was for safety purposes.  Should an event happen, and authorities need to ensure that all individuals are accounted for, this information is critical.  
Accordingly, Effective January 1, 2023, Renters and Tenants must be registered with the Magnolia Walk Homeowner’s Association.
Homeowners renting their homes or part of their homes, must ensure compliance.
Additionally, please remember that homeowner’s responsibilities with the Homeowner’s Association, such as maintenance of your yard, responsibility for seeking approval for architectural changes, etc. cannot be delegated to renters/tenants.  As a homeowner, notwithstanding anything that you agree to between yourself and the renter, the ultimate responsibility for the maintenance of your home is on you.  It is your responsibility to present this information to your renters to ensure a smooth transition into the community. 
To register your renter(s), please use the link below to download the registration form.  Please return the completed registration form to the Board at https://www.magnoliawalk.org/, no later than January 31, 2023, or within 30-days in case you have a new renter or tenant.   Failure to comply with this requirement may result in fines. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any Board member.